Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Of Wereswans

I think I'll actually let someone else take the lead in discussing Murkmere since I've done the last few and I know of at least one person who read the book but couldn't make our discussion. I liked it, but it didn't make a huge impression. It's also what gave rise to this post's title (think werewolves).

I'm really excited about the next book, The Minister's Daughter, since I read it in the fall and liked it a lot. If the format works for you at all, I highly recommend listening to the book on CD since the reader does an excellent job with the variety of older English accents and really brings it to life.

And if you enjoyed reading Kai Meyer's The Water Mirror last November, we now have the second book in the series, The Stone Light. It looks much more epic in scale, with clashes of armies and the rise of more pivotal characters.


At 3/13/2007 3:34 PM, Blogger Kitten said...



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